
The witness puzzle solutions seperating colors
The witness puzzle solutions seperating colors

The greenhouse is filled with flowers of different color and therefore color plays a huge part in solving the bunker puzzles. Not seeing the dots for puzzles was more stressful than the blank version.Bunker Trophy in The Witness is obtained by completing all the puzzles and activating the laser beam in a little Greenhouse bunker found at the bottom east part of the island’s huge mountain. RadicalSniper99 found during solo runs (both successful and unsuccessful) that the filled map caused more issues in trying to navigate.

  • Take a picture of the complete or incomplete maze (depending on your inclination) for reference - you will need this! If running solo, you might find that the blank map is a lot more beneficial.
  • The thing is, in short bursts this can really cut precious seconds off your time during your run (especially on easier puzzles). Many people complain about how uncontrollable this can be. You might have been already using the run mechanic for your character throughout the game, but more than likely you have completely skipped making the line go quicker. Running comes in two flavors here - running between puzzles and "running the line".

    the witness puzzle solutions seperating colors

  • RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN!!! The timing of the whole thing can be very tight.
  • angelsk reminded him to fail the puzzle and then come back to a much easier version of it. One of his puzzles around the rock pillar tripped him up and slowed him considerably. NOTE: The puzzle reset trick actually came into play during RadicalSniper99's first successful run. This can be a blessing sometimes if you are truly struggling with one puzzle. If you get a puzzle wrong it will deactivate the panel (meaning you need to go back and solve the previous one), but the new puzzle that appears is different from the previous one.
  • The puzzles are random, but they can randomize "in your favor" in a sense.
  • At this point it may be good practice to continue - but it'll probably save time for you to go back and restart.
  • If you are not in the maze and already solving the first triangle puzzle when the final song starts then you likely won't have sufficient time to solve all the puzzles.
  • This can be amplified by the rising tension in the song as it crescendos and feels like it is building quickly to the end. Some people have noted that hearing Mountain King come on is really stress inducing. The first song lasts about 4-4.5 minutes while the second is about 2.5 minutes long ("In the Hall of the Mountain King"). As noted previously, there is a little less than 7 minutes total for the whole thing. There are some panels throughout the challenge that also denote time, but you will be able to hear approximately how much time you have left based on the songs.
  • 2 classical pieces of music will play to denote time.
  • You should be able to get there before the panel lights up. As soon as you move from the circle to the left side of the record player, you will have a few seconds to move to the first set of puzzles.
  • The challenge starts with the record player.
  • Now, here are some of the other mechanics of it all: This time, there are black and white squares you need to separate.

    the witness puzzle solutions seperating colors

  • Puzzle 14 - Rotating column with symmetrical lines.
  • Additionally, there are squares/ dots on the path you need to pass through.
  • Puzzle 13 - Rotating column with symmetrical lines.
  • the witness puzzle solutions seperating colors

    This final room has two puzzles in it you need to complete.

    The witness puzzle solutions seperating colors